Request a USPS Refund: International
If you sent something from the U.S. to another country, you may be eligible for a postage or fee refund if any of the following apply:
- Delivery standards for applicable Priority Mail Express International® or Priority Mail Express International with Money-Back Guarantee Service guarantees were not met.
- Full service was not rendered, or you were incorrectly charged return charges for undeliverable-as-addressed, First-Class Mail International®, First-Class Package International Service®, and Priority Mail International® items.
- You were overcharged.
Learn more about requesting an international USPS® refund. (To file a claim for insured mail that was lost, damaged, or missing contents, see File a USPS Claim: International.)
ALERT: Canada Post advises that the strike by its employees has ended. However, international mail service to Canada is still suspended. Learn more.